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Red Bull shocker: does not actually give you wings.

Posted by on October 9, 2014

Austinites, have you been misled by Red Bull‘s claimed benefits, including that it “gives you wings?”  Have no fear, you might be able to recoup $10 (or $15 in Red Bull products) as part of the class action settlement.  If you purchased a Red Bull drink between 2002 and October 3, 2014, you can simply fill out an online form, email/snail mail a claim, or call in a claim.  How very retro! Yes, you can speak to a person, a real, live person on that device you use to communicate over the interwebs and via text.

The Court will hold a hearing in May next year to review the settlement and decide whether to approve it.  Red Bull has agreed to this settlement process to avoid any more litigation concerning its products’ functionality and safety.  Despite what you might have felt last Saturday night at ACL Fest, Red Bull does not in fact give you wings.  The source of your euphoria may have been a combination of the caffeine and vitamins in the drink, and the proximity of the nearest Colorado combustible.  For those of you who already have wings, you’ll be delighted to take note there are only 197 days until Eeyore’s Birthday Party.

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