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Monthly Archives: October 2014

Red Bull shocker: does not actually give you wings.

Austinites, have you been misled by Red Bull‘s claimed benefits, including that it “gives you wings?”  Have no fear, you might be able to recoup $10 (or $15 in Red Bull products) as part of the class action settlement.  If you purchased a Red Bull drink between 2002 and October 3, 2014, you can simply … Continue reading »

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You can eat both, but I’d rather not smoke okra.

A farmer in Georgia had a rude awakening recently, when the sound of low flying helicopters woke him.  Shortly after, deputies and K-9 officers from the Governor’s Task Force paid him a call, and they didn’t bring coffee.  It seems they confused his okra crop with cannabis.  Georgia is one of the states associated with … Continue reading »

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