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Monthly Archives: August 2012

Food and Memories

“What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?” ~Lin Yutang Food evokes memories for me.  The taste of a fresh fig, unadorned, warm from the sun or even from being in the trunk of my car enroute home from the store will instantly transport me back in time to … Continue reading »

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40 Days for 40 Years: Help Meals on Wheels Raise $40K

My favorite local nonprofit, Meals on Wheels and More launched a fundraising campaign today that includes a recipe contest.  Recipes will be judged on food costs, the practicality of preparing it for thousands of clients, prep and cooking time, the ease of use in industrial-sized kitchen equipment, and nutritional value.  It goes without saying that the … Continue reading »

Categories: Nonprofit | Tags: , | 2 Comments